What if I say that a thing called a ‘note’ really has some requirements? Our stereotypical thinking about the note matter is that the notes are just intricate. But that is not the case. Notes should be made by everyone. Believe it or not, in addition to uploading pictures with the hashtags #StudyingHard #ExamIsHere, etc. on Instagram, there are some utilities to things called notes. And that’s when you can take notes in a beautiful and organized way.
Many students do not take good note of the teacher’s lectures in class. So you have to make it a habit to write the teacher’s teaching in class in shorthand. Make a note of them later. And in this note, one’s own originality is also revealed. If you study by taking notes, you can get good marks in the exam.
1. How do I get started? :
It would be great if a separate notebook (or ‘khata’ in Khas Bangla) could be kept for each course or subject. Naturally, if you have fourteen subjects, it becomes a bit of a hassle to arrange fourteen to two hundred page books for fourteen and to run from class to class with them. In that case, arrange a thin notebook, if necessary, buy paper as required and make a notebook. There is also a thing called a file organizer, which is divided into separate pockets, in which you can keep thematic lecture sheets or handouts. Different ink pens and highlighters will make your notes more interesting.
2. Stop sleeping in class:
It is better to finish the gossip, eat and drink and sleep as much as possible before the teacher enters the class. Be alert as soon as the teacher enters because you have to take notes. You don’t have to pay attention to who’s gut, who said Teacher’s Pet, because they can come to you later to ask for notes, and in this gap, you can also get a couple of fluffy / chocolate/chicken fry treats. Pay attention to his verbal expressions when the teacher is talking. “I will keep this topic if I ask a question”, “This thing is important for your examination” or “You can write it down if you want” – the teacher said these things then you have to take note of that. And yes, don’t forget to write down the date, title, reference, etc. before starting the note.
3. Clear handwriting:
You have made a note, that the main condition for it to work is clear handwriting. To put it bluntly, it’s not like a beautiful pearl. It should be a clean, uncluttered, clean text so that you can read it after class and understand what you did in class. When I went to take notes in class, I couldn’t catch the teacher’s conception again. If it is a video class, of course, you can pause the class and write notes with the sweetness of mind, but when there is a school, college, or varsity class, avoid writing the whole sentence while writing the notes.
4. Sharing pages in different ways:
There’s a thing called Colonel Method that I didn’t even know, now I try to do it. Draw a horizontal line from Ematha to Omatha, roughly one-fourth of the page at the bottom of the ledger. Now draw a vertical line on the horizontal line with a space of two-and-a-half inches from the left side of the page. You will write a note in the square on the right side of the page. In the relatively thin section on the left, you will re-read and clarify the notes you have written and straighten out the incomprehensible things. And write the summary of the whole topic in the rectangular part at the very bottom. This is a proven effective method of writing notes, so writing is more likely to be understood and remembered.
5. Focusing on the teacher in class:
Listen carefully to what the teacher is saying while taking classes online. You need to pay attention to your verbal expressions when the teacher is talking. Saying ‘I will keep this topic if I ask a question, ‘This topic can be tested’ or ‘You can write it down if you want means that the teacher has to take note of that. And yes, don’t forget to write the date, title, and reference before starting the note.
6. Make separate notebooks for each subject:
It is better to have a separate ‘book’ for each subject. The advantage is to write thematic lectures in separate notebooks. Notes can be made interesting with different ink pens and highlighters.